Fishing week-end at the beginning of december

Voici un article de Raphaël écrit pour la première fois en anglais !

On Saturday at 8 pm I went fishing with my dad at Mana Island and we caught forty fish and two little sharks. My mother and my sisters fished 7 pauas and a lot of pipi.😋😋😋😋😋

the fish
the pauas (there are more pauas)
On Sunday my cousins came to New Zeland. We wanted to go to the beach but it started raining so we went to take shelter at the Te Papa. When the rain stopped we returned to our house and we ate dinner.
I was so happy to see my cousins, aunt and uncle !!! 🤗🤗


PS: Après 5 semaines de superbes vacances à sillonner la Nouvelle Zélande avec la famille qui est venue nous rendre visite, nous venons juste de rentrer sur Wellington. Nous avons donc beaucoup de retard sur le blog, mais nous nous rattraperons dans les semaines à venir !! 😇😇


  1. Bravo Raphaël!
    Merci pour ton super bon poisson, et bon courage pour la reprise de l'école! Quentin

  2. Hello Raph how are you? I am fine. Your article was very nice. Today l did mountains bike, it was muddy. Talk to you soon.
    02/02/2019 Titouan


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